Compete with Larger Businesses

By Act Data Services, Inc. 1-800-ACT-DATA

It’s not easy being a small business. It never has been, of course. But as the years go by, it seems like bigger companies get more and more advantages. Even things that are supposed to help you, like HIPPA, actually end up hurting you. Then there are things like EDI compliance too. Again, it’s a great thing in theory, but when regulations get involved, where does that leave you, the small owner? Where it doesn’t leave you is absorbing a small cost and moving on like large companies do.

It’s really a shame, because so many of these regulations and laws are meant to help small businesses out. Instead, they just make things worse and harder.

But don’t give up yet. Don’t be convinced that you can’t win the battle. No matter what, don’t sell your business. You’ll regret it because you can turn things around with the right type of technology. EDI doesn’t have to be the death of your small business dreams, it can actually be the beginning of your rise to the top. Employ the right kind of technology here and begin improving immediately.

Then use that success as a launch pad to do it over and over again!


When you need more from your small business, consider all the advantages you could receive from implementing edi service bureau.Chances are your competition already has. So when you’re ready to take things to the next level, call Act Data Services.

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