Advertising Your Business; The Cost Effective Way
Times are tough, and advertising is being considered by some as an unnecessary expenditure. Although this is untrue, perhaps it would be more prudent to look at cost effective methods of advertising. Here are a few:
• A flyer – this is one of the simplest ways to advertise your business. To create more interest, include a fabulous discount to people who bring back the flyer. Not only is this effective, it also helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your flyer.
• Cable TV – instead of paying for an expensive TV advertisement, you can look for other methods of advertising on TV. You can advertise using crawlers, slides and even on programme listings. These are way cheaper than paying for TV ads.
• Company website – you do not need to sell products online to have a website. Simply having a web presence is good enough to start with making a reputation for your company. Put some time into it, make your website a great one that impresses potential customers.
• YouTube – if you have TV commercials already produced, then, why not put them up on YouTube? You do not have to pay for it, and you can link your website to the video, thus creating traffic to your website.
• Cross-promotion through partnerships – find other businesses that could help enhance yours. Make solid partnerships which will in turn help to cut down on your advertising budget.
• Newsletter – make a company newsletter that goes out to your customer database once a quarter. This is a great way of keeping in touch with your customers and ensuring that you are the first on their list.